
Hey Everyone! My name is Sara Lombardi. I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University as a double major in English and Communication with a concentration in Video Production.  I’m also into photography. I have been taking pictures and filming videos ever since I can remember.  Through this journey I have met amazing people. I hope to keep meeting others and capture beautiful moments through the lens of my camera. The picture at the right a beach in Milford CT, it’s one of my recent favorites.

Feel free to browse the pictures on my website, comments are welcomed. 

I can be contacted at Salsar12@aol.com or facebook.

This is a simple website to show my pictures and videos and is still under construction.  Feel free to browse.  A comments section is available on my ‘Nature’ page,  or you can email me.  Stop by often to see my latest developments.

If you have comments or want to reach me I can be contacted at salsar12@aol.com or use my Facebook link below.

Thank you for visiting